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Что такое CPV: простое объяснение и как его рассчитать Университет СИНЕРГИЯ

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Трафик из соцсетей возможно анализировать с позиции продаж по основным показателям эффективности. Например, в нашей аналитике доступен отчёт «Цепочки многоканальных последовательностей». Он показывает весь путь клиента от первого захода на сайт до покупки. Отслеживая фундаментальный анализ простыми словами цепочки, можно понять, какой канал первым установил коммуникацию с покупателем и привёл его к цели. Остается напряженной ситуация с безработицей и ростом зарплат, которые являются проинфляционными факторами, говорит главный аналитик Совкомбанка Михаил Васильев.

  • Вовлеченность влияет на охваты поста, показы в ленте, попадание в рекомендации.
  • Важно учитывать, что на коэффициент вовлеченности прямым образом влияет накрутка ботов и большой приток нецелевой аудитории.
  • Ни и соответственно, чтобы рассчитать средний индекс вовлеченности допустим, за месяц, нужно сумму всех реакций за месяц разделить на количество подписчиков и умножить на 100.
  • Проблема развития маркетинга (как впрочем и IT и других функций) заключается в том же, что и в управлении персоналом – не всегда Лидеры функции умеют связывать свою функцию с выручкой.


Существует два общепринятых способа расчета коэффициента вовлеченности. Викторины, игры, поиск отличий и правильного ответа — проверенный способ повысить активность. В идеале выбирайте темы, перекликающиеся с тематикой блога.

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Формула Engagement Rate

Оптимально делать любой коммерчески направленный контент в соцсетях так, чтобы подписчики охотно делились своим мнением. Например, если модератор сообщества активно работает с комментариями под постами, их можно умножать на 0,5, чтобы выключить реакции от представителя компании, коим он по факту является. Первый позволяет сравнивать посты между собой и улавливать закономерности, второй же показывает, насколько хорошо аудитория приняла определенный пост. Так что если вы хотите доверить блогеру рекламу, то можете найти его посты, посчитать ER и составить себе представление о том, насколько активная у него ЦА. В сторис не оставляют комментарии и пока еще редко ставят лайки (эта функция появилась относительно недавно), поэтому вовлекать нужно интерактивом.

Что такое конверсия и как её рассчитать

Он действует бессрочно и дает возможность анализировать 1 аккаунт. Проанализировать активность в профиле можно с помощью онлайн-сервисов. Плюс — вам не нужно изучать статистику и проводить расчеты по формуле, сервис сделает это за вас. Минус — у каждого сервиса своя формула расчёта ER, она может не учитывать некоторую активность. Сервисы анализируют только профессиональные (бизнес) аккаунты, ведь только по ним фиксируется подробная статистика. Основные показатели (лайки и комментарии) можно узнать и без просмотра статистики.

На основе этих подходов строится несколько методик вычисления коэффициента вовлечённости. Падение пользовательской активности в группе позволит вовремя скорректировать контент-стратегию и оптимизировать продвижение товара или услуги. В Telegram форекс для начинающих статьи рекомендательной ленты нет, поэтому для расширения аудитории можно воспользоваться рекламным инструментом Директа. Этот рост происходит без дополнительных финансовых вложений со стороны компании — за счёт рекомендаций в социальных сетях.

Данные видны под каждым постом для тех, кто перешёл на бизнес-профиль. Проверить эти заключения достаточно просто – можно выгрузить статистику публикаций с охватом, рассчитать ERR и отсортировать по этому показателю. В результате такой операции объективно популярные записи окажутся далеко не в топе. В итоге, при сравнении ERR виральной записи и ERR записи из второй ситуации, показатель вовлечения второй окажется заметно выше.

В то же время иногда расчёт по базе подписчиков не является ошибкой, если надо оценить как раз уровень вовлечения существующей аудитории в рамках сообщества. Так тестируется качество подписной базы — насколько активно она реагирует и обращает внимание на контент. Чтобы посчитать Engagement Rate Reach, нужно взять среднее количество interactive brokers терминал просмотров постов за нужный период, разделить их на количество подписчиков в сообществе и умножить на 100%. Падение ER негативно сказывается на общей статистике профиля. Чем выше уровень вовлеченности, тем дороже стоит реклама в блоге. Рекламодатель смотрит не на цифру в строке “подписчики”, а на вашу статистику.

Люди любят внимание, поэтому, когда вы спрашиваете совет или просите рассказать о себе, вам обязательно ответят. Например, вы можете узнать где любят отдыхать ваши подписчики, или что помогает им не опустить руки в трудную минуту. В публикациях многие постесняются рассказать о себе, а вот написать вам в Директ будет намного проще. Повышение активности в блоге стоит начать с анализа своей целевой аудитории. Понимание, кто следит за вами и что интересно этим людям — уже половина успеха.

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What to Expect at AA and NA Meetings: A Guide for Newcomers

how often are aa meetings

I have been to meetings with as few as five people and as many as sixty. Not everyone is going to talk, but some will. Join our supportive sober community where each day becomes a step towards personal growth and lasting positive change. As the meeting progresses, you’ll naturally get a better idea of the types of people attending it—and whether or not they’re a group you want to share your recovery with. You might even decide—when determining what the right AA meeting for you is—that you’d prefer one of these formats to in-person meetings.

Finding an AA Meeting

Meetings typically close with a prayer, moment of silence, recitation of the Responsibility Statement, or by reading a section of another A.A. Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is an international program focused on supporting people during alcohol recovery, with a goal of helping them achieve and sustain sobriety. Meetings cost nothing to attend and are available almost everywhere. Meeting size is another factor—with some people feeling more comfortable in larger groups or smaller groups. At both types of meetings, it may be requested that participants confine their discussion to matters pertaining to recovery from alcoholism.

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Still other meetings use a dial-in conference call number. Meetings are held in-person, online, or on the telephone. The members of liberty cap effects each meeting decide when, where, and how often they will meet. Members who determine the format of their meetings. Meetings are typically listed as “open” or “closed” meetings.

He is the medical director at Alcohol Recovery Medicine. For over 20 years Dr. Umhau was a senior clinical investigator at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Can I leave you with one final thought? When you least want to go to a meeting may be the time you most need to go to one.

What to Expect at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings

They say we are a composite of the people we spend the most time with and this goes double for recovery. Still, finding a meeting is only the first step toward finding the right meeting for you. Once everyone who wants to share is finished, the meeting wraps up with another group prayer. All in all, an AA meeting takes around an hour. The get-togethers can be fantastic outlets for those working on recovery, with groups of others in similar situations offering support through comradery, advice, or even just active listening.

Speak With Someone Who Understands

  1. The meeting might be held in a building connected with a church or a community center.
  2. Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website.
  3. Some call for a moment of silence and/or recite the Serenity Prayer.
  4. It isn’t required of anyone to do so but it keeps with the tradition of AA that when alcoholic calls for help, the helping hand of AA will be there.
  5. Members of AA support one another by sharing their experiences, listening to one another, and providing tips for what has helped them on their recovery journey.

Before figuring out how to find the best AA meeting for you, it might be helpful to understand what an AA meeting is like in general, so you have an idea of what to expect. Meeting Guide offers an online support site where users can easily find answers to frequently asked questions.

While they cater to different substances—AA focuses on alcohol, and NA on narcotics—the structure and purpose of their meetings are very similar. This guide will help you understand what happens at these meetings, the types of topics that are discussed, and how these groups can support recovery. Some meetings are purely discussion meetings where the topic is random and more derived by an interest that one of the members may have. Speaker’s meetings feature a person chosen to talk about their experience, strength, and hope in regard to their recovery.

How Often Should You Attend AA Meetings?

While each of these men had their own journey of recovery, it wasn’t until they met face to face that they realized the power of speaking with a “fellow sufferer” for achieving complete sobriety. Some will talk at length and others may just thank the speaker. This is such how do you smoke moon rocks an important part of the meeting and cannot be neglected. The power of attending an AA meeting is in finding we are not alone. The most important thing about an anonymous meeting is that they are a safe space and it allows people like me to connect with fellow members.

Service entities directly to the celebrities that drink alcohol everyday app. Over 100,000 weekly meetings are currently listed, and the information is refreshed twice daily. Some groups, with the consent of the prospective member, have an A.A. This may be provided  on a slip that has been furnished by the referral source, or via a digital method if the group is online. The referred person is responsible for returning the proof of attendance. Speaker meetings often are open meetings.

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Virtueshore Global: Your Trusted Partner in Outsourced Accounting & Taxes

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The company provides services like outsourced bookkeeping, tax preparation, payroll processing, data entry, analysis, and interpretation to its clients. There are thousands of outsourcing providers available everywhere around the world nowadays. Choose the right offshore accounting service provider that understands your type of industry and needs.


Unless you’re an accountant – scratch that – even if you’re an accountant, handling all of your organization’s accounting tasks can feel like a chore. Seeing as how you still can’t outsource it to ChatGPT, there are few options available. I’m here to help, showing you how to best find flexible budget and evaluate offshore accounting services in 2023. It is essential to prioritize the expertise of offshore accounting firms in efficiently managing a range of accounting tasks while searching for the best one.

Offshore accounting services

More and more companies are choosing to offshore their accounting roles as it is more viable, cost-effective, and efficient. There will always be a need for a highly specialized team, making it impossible to offshore all accounting activities. Since you won’t be able to outsource the finance activities altogether, you must ensure the onshore and offshore teams can interact efficiently. These records include personal data that might lead to identity theft or financial loss if leaked to the wrong parties.

Additionally, you should be able to trust your offshore accounting firm to manage your data securely. You can choose your offshore accounting firm how to complete form 1120s through an outsourcing platform by looking for a few characteristics. Year-ending accounting involves collecting financial statements and past due invoices, cross-checking payroll and bookkeeping, organizing business receipts, etc. Moreover, the accountant in your outsourced firm may know more about the accounting trends as they deal with different types of clients. However, when you offshore accounting to a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or any other CPA firm, you must ensure that they fit your unique business requirements.

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Tax Preparation

Choosing the right technology can make a massive difference in the efficiency of the accounting process. As a result, it’s crucial to think about hiring a service provider that uses cutting-edge tools for bookkeeping. The application should be able to process sophisticated financial dealings, provide reliable reports, and fulfill all legal requirements. The software must be simple to learn and compatible with the company’s current system. Virtueshore Global is a leading provider of accounting, and tax outsourcing services, offering accurate and efficient solutions to CPAs and EA firms.

Your offshore accounting company should have reasonable pricing  — as it’s one of the major reasons for outsourcing accounting. You may also have to outsource accounting when your company decides to expand. Your in house team may not be able to manage the workload or have the expertise to carry out additional tasks. By outsourcing accounting to an offshore company, you can boost your business and stay on top of your industry. Your accountant’s workload could increase, how to calculate sales volume variance especially during certain days or a time of the year – which may burden them and increase the chances of errors.

  1. Other than this, we also sign NDA with you as well as employees to give you surety on keeping your data private and confidential.
  2. The experience of previous clients can be a treasure trove of information about the performance, reliability, and service quality of the offshore accounting firms you’re considering.
  3. Language barriers or significant differences in time zones can hamper effective communication and slow down processes.

So it may happen that your offshore team is unable to understand the work brief properly. Such a scenario can cause work delays, internal conflicts, higher project costs, dissatisfaction amongst clients, and low employee morale. You can rest assured that your information is held with great care, by offshoring accounting and bookkeeping functions to globally qualified chartered accountants. This service lets you identify and reach out to clients who haven’t paid their invoices on time. While most businesses have an in-house accounting department, many companies choose to delegate such tasks to low-cost countries such as India or the Philippines.

Offshore accounting involves delegating accounting and finance services to an external organization from another country. Outsourcing accounting to an offshore company can give you accounting books without any mistakes and an expert opinion on your firm’s finances. Before you decide to offshore, ensure that you meet your country’s legal requirements and also those of the offshore jurisdiction. Hire a tax law expert in the offshore country to navigate tricky compliance formalities.

are retained earnings a current liability

Retained Earnings: Definition, Formula & Example

are retained earnings a current liability

This information will be listed on the balance sheet under the heading “Retained Earnings.” Some benefits of reinvesting in retained earnings include increased growth potential and improved profitability. Reinvesting profits back into the business can help it expand and become more successful over time.

are retained earnings a current liability

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are retained earnings a current liability

No, retained earnings are not a current asset for accounting purposes. A current asset is any asset that will provide an economic benefit for or within one year. The decision to retain earnings or to distribute them among shareholders is usually left to the company management. However, it can be challenged by the shareholders through a majority vote because they are the real owners of the company. Yes, having high retained earnings is considered a positive sign for a company’s financial performance. To simplify your retained earnings calculation, opt for user-friendly accounting software  with comprehensive reporting capabilities.

are retained earnings a current liability

Significance of retained earnings in attracting venture capital

Any profits that are not distributed at the end of the LLC’s tax year are considered retained earnings. In contrast, stock dividends don’t result in a cash outflow, but they transfer a portion of retained earnings to common stock. For this reason, when a company loses money or pays dividends, its retained earnings decrease. Using the formula, add your net income to the beginning retained earnings, then subtract any dividends paid out. If a business sold all of its assets and used the cash to pay all liabilities, the leftover cash would equal the equity balance.

Where Are Retained Earnings Located in Financial Statements?

Occasionally, accountants make other entries to the Retained Earnings account. This includes all dividends paid out to shareholders during the period. Retained earnings play an important role in the health of a company since these funds can be used to strategically grow the business via launching a new product, share buybacks, or an acquisition. To raise capital early on, you sold common stock to shareholders. Now your business is taking off and you’re starting to make a healthy profit which means it’s time to pay dividends. On the other hand, though stock dividends are retained earnings a current liability do not lead to a cash outflow, the stock payment transfers part of the retained earnings to common stock.

Retained Earnings: Everything You Need to Know for Your Small Business

An investor may be more interested in seeing larger dividends instead of retained earnings increases every year. And it can pinpoint what business owners can and can’t do in the future. They need to know how much return they’re getting on their investment. The statement of retained earnings paints a clear picture of that. A balance is often struck, with some of the profits paid out in dividends and a portion of it kept as retained earnings. Now that you’ve learned how to calculate retained earnings, accuracy is key.

  • In terms of financial statements, you can find your retained earnings account (sometimes called Member Capital) on your balance sheet in the equity section, alongside shareholders’ equity.
  • In accounting, equity is the residual amount after deducting liabilities from assets.
  • Retained earnings refer to the historical profits earned by a company, minus any dividends it paid in the past.
  • Corporations with net accumulated losses may refer to negative shareholders’ equity as positive shareholders’ deficit.
  • In reality, the purchase will have depleted the available cash in the company.

How Do You Prepare a Retained Earnings Statement?

Usually, companies have an existing balance in this account, which changes from the transfer. Nonetheless, profits or losses will increase or decrease the retained earnings balance. Retained earnings serve as a link between the balance sheet and the income statement.

  • For instance, the first option leads to the earnings money going out of the books and accounts of the business forever because dividend payments are irreversible.
  • This document calculates net income, which you’ll need to calculate your retained earnings balance later.
  • Declared dividends are a debit to the retained earnings account whether paid or not.
  • A company’s equity refers to its total value in the hands of founders, owners, stakeholders, and partners.
  • A company’s retained earnings refer to the amount of net income (or loss) accumulated since the beginning of operations minus all dividends distributed to shareholders.
  • When a company pays dividends to its shareholders, it reduces its retained earnings by the amount of dividends paid.

are retained earnings a current liability

For information pertaining to the registration status of 11 Financial, please contact the state securities regulators for those states in which 11 Financial maintains a registration filing. A maturing company may not have many options or high-return projects for which to use the surplus cash, and it may prefer handing out dividends. Retained earnings are also known as accumulated earnings, earned surplus, undistributed profits, or retained income.